How to Become Popular on Facebook
Ever wanted to know what you can do to become popular on Facebook? It has nothing to do with knowing the right people and everything to do with being Facebook savvy. By improving your profile, socializing, and connecting to a number of different networks, you can start booming with Facebook friends in a computerized heartbeat. You can also follow us on Facebook
Become popular on Facebook
1. Improve your profile. Add your best photo shot from your digital camera on Facebook. Only update your status if you have something out of the ordinary to say or if you are guaranteed to get 'likes' as this will heighten your prestige and character in your social life. People will remember you. Add a photo gallery, of you, your friends, and family members, or even vacation places.
2.Participate in many opportunities. Join as many interesting groups as you can. Add as many applications as are interesting and useful. Become fans as many things that you like, that is a great way to show your friends what you like. You don't want a bunch of profile junk. Take cool quizzes.
3.Join a network including your school or college network. You can then meet people through your network.
4.Search for as many friends as you can and add them. Add friends of friends. Add family members.
5.Socialize! Write on peoples walls only for interesting things. Do not send them virtual drinks and gifts, as many will feel irritated and annoyed. Poke some of them. Comment on photos. Give plenty of compliments,
6.Add information to your profile. Write your (IM) name on your profile. Write your e-mail address on your profile. If you want you can write your cell phone number on your profile, it's too dangerous to put your land line number on there. Put your school or college on your profile. If you have declared your major or your program, just put your major on there. Put you place of employment and previous place of employment. Facebook is somewhat of a resume so try to make it professional as possible because employers and teachers do look at your profile.
Here I have listed some tips which can help you to become Popular on Facebook
1. Try not to make facebook your "diary".
2.Look good in your photos. Do not over edit your photo's, take the picture outside for good lighting, make sure it has good quality. When taking a picture smile, put your chin down a little and look into the camera. Using you can also whiten your teeth, even skin tone or make an zit disappear. If you're not comfortable with your smile look cute by smiling with your mouth closed. always attractive.
3.If you want to be well liked on Facebook, and in life for that matter, cultivate your friendships. Be outgoing and fun when you are around others. You'll likely get invited to parties and such, but even if you don't you can always throw a party yourself.
4.Don't give compliments to people unless they are genuine. People can tell when they aren't.
5.Like they say: "If you want to have a friend, you have to be one." People never write on your wall? Ask an old friend how it's going, or ask that girl on your soccer team if practice is cancelled, and hopefully you'll get a conversation going, giving both yours and their wall some action.
6.Like/comment the last on girl pictures,so they see that you have liked and they'll maybe like your profile picture !
7.Try to add as many people in your network as possible (the more friends) the more popular you will look!
8.Spice up your profile. There are lots of Apps out there to express your individuality. Try to put the apps in the boxes because you don't want to junk up your info.
9.Go on Facebook around 6:00-10:00pm, because you get more likes due to more people having finished work and schoolwork, so they go on Facebook as a break.
10.Don't try to tease your other friends. Make them make fun of you so that they would be closer to you.
I think this will must help you of you have any problem just comment bellow I am waiting for your response
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