Ethical hacking is the perfect career choice for those interested in problem solving, communication and IT security. Here's what it takes to become a white hat hacker.
A math wiz with an interest in cryptography, IT security and computer forensics is looking for a career path. A bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics, and with both strong technical aspirations, Benedikt best candidate for penetration testing and ethical hacking.
Benedikt be lacking in it that will help them in the work and IT related work experience certificate. Benedikt white hat hacking and if we need more hands-on experience they can get their foot in the door will help the security recommendations of a number of IT certifications. We identify long-term career goals as you can discover some Benedikt offer alternative career paths and certification
Dear Benedikt:
His academic background is excellent. Given her math skills, just to find among his interests cryptography'm not surprised. Direct, hands-on work with the cryptography involved in the development work is to find yourself, as long as it, though, the research and educational institutions itch to scratch can be a difficult.
Namely, white hat hacking and penetration testing - on the other hand, the more aggressive side of the security seal is a perfect backdrop.
To start with the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification would urge you to go after. CEH certification is a vendor neutral and CEH certified professionals are in high demand.
CEH five-day training class without prior work experience is recommended for candidates, but also a self-study options are available to help pass the required exam. This intermediate level certification offered by EC- Council and system hacking, data, social engineering, SQL injection, trojans, worms, viruses and Service (DoS) attacks and other types of attacks, including denial, is focusing on. Candidates also cryptography, penetration testing, firewalls, honeypots and must show greater knowledge.
CEH is an interesting credential for someone with your background; hacking involves a great deal of problem solving, which you're used to in math, as well as communication skills, which you expressed an interest in. Becoming a certified white hat hacker also involves staying on the legal side of hacking, never engaging in illicit or unethical hacking activities and protecting the intellectual property of others. As part of your certification process, you'll need to agree to hold up EC-Council's code of ethics and never associate yourself with unethical hackers or malicious activities.
In addition to the CEH, you should also consider the SANS GIAC curriculum instead of either the SSCP or Security+ certifications that you mentioned. If you start with their Security Administration certs, beginning with the GSEC, you might find yourself better positioned to climb an active, well-respected and deep security curriculum. The GIAC credentials will work well with your background to set you up very nicely on your career path in IT security.
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